
vanDockum is the leading European acoustic product and solution design company.

vanDockum has been first mover of acoustic products and solutions for wall, ceiling and façade solutions for more than 30 years.

vanDockum design, develop and innovate on the focus of sustainability.

vanDockum believe and stripe on being the most professional company who actively play an important role in upcycling materials coming from waste from all over the world.

This is why vanDockum was the first company inventing a acoustic panel based on upcycled plastic bottles and 100 % recyclable. 100 % polyester and 100 % recyclable.

vanDockum was also the first company who actively use upcycled aluminum material for new innovative special designed aluminum cover solutions. vanDockum is the inventors and designers of a new patented wall, ceiling, columns, and façade solution based on production on high technology machinery to obtain best quality, best performance and best price level for the many dealers and customers vanDockum have around the world.

vanDockum is also the first company who actively take part in recycling surplus production from the clothing industry. vanDockum stripe to play an important role in the program of being able to use recycled textiles from surplus production from all the world.

In vanDockum we focus on the following arears for improving the environment at home and at work:

  • Sound absorption for better environment.
  • Sound absorption and Light environment.
  • Sound absorption and Air environment.   

Use surplus production and waste to improve the daily life for all people and for the coming generations are our motto.

No client is too small or too big for our ideas.

NORDIC akustikpaneler kontor